I thought I would give you a run down on whats happening in my life now.
Annabelle is at primary school in the reception class. The school is amazing and I feel very lucky to have got her in the school. Its out in the countryside and she only has 6 children in her class. This is uncommon. She is learning so much which I am happy about. I wasnt able to sit with her and teach her a lot because I've been super busy with the other children so I am glad she is not at all behind.
Callum is almost 3 however terrible twos set in about 2 months ago. He is such a mummy's boy so I can't even go to the bathroom by myself! haha!!
Callum starts preschool in April and he will actually be in Annabelle's class so he will love it.
My baby Joseph is 1 in a week, How?? This has gone so fast. He is now walking and saying a few words like 'bye' 'hiya' He is a bundle of joy for sure. He loves his brother and sister so much and even loves callum tumbling all over him. Joseph is a very happy baby!
I started working online in July. I did start in one company but soon found the right company for me and I am seeing success. I believe in things that are ment to be and it looks like it is. My other half has been in and out of contract jobs and now is helping me! Its great having a positive look on life.
I would encourage any mums to look online as its a great place to work. If you want to ask me any questions my email is workfromhomemumuk@outlook.com and my page is HERE on facebook.